Cheer up
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Pop Culture
These past few weeks have been so up and down, I'm feeling so incredibly tired and rotten half the time. I got my arse royally kicked yesterday by my supervisor and really need to get back into my life.
To cheer myself up I've been watching Arrested Development clips on YouTube.
Here's one that should keep us all happy. Everyone's favorite illusionist.
"I will become my dead father's body!"
More here. Go nuts.
There must be something in the water. Just remember you're smart, goddamnit. And at least you own/know how to work/aren't bitterly afraid of such devices as cell phones and iPods. Oh, iPod lady, you made us all feel better about ourselves.
I'm thinking of doing queer theory this semester, even though the idea of actually doing queer theory makes me want to chew my own arm off.
Thaks Rach. You're smart too, dagnamit! GOB should make you feel better, too. I hear he hates ipods too. COME ON!
Yeah, queer theory is a bit like that, but I figure its sorta easy, and I'm going to be in an altered state next semester so I'm gonna need lots of small words and happy tutes.
I'm setting myself a challenge to see if I can get through the entire semester without doing ANY of the course reading. I reckon I can do it. I'll still cart around the reader, but the inside will be virginal and unhighlighted.
What the hell did we do before YouTube??
'What the hell did we do before YouTube?? '
Knitting, probably.
Arrested Development is the best show on television at the moment.
As far as I know, we're all feeling the same way Stef. My first chapter draft was the biggest piece of crapola I've ever written in my life.
I am expecting to be shot down tomorrow by my supervisor.
I have written nothing. I feel like crap.
Come to my party this Saturday! I will be more cheery then.
Email me for the details if you want...
ok, now I have to stare at a blank screen some more.
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