Friday, March 09, 2007

New Job...

So I found a new job. This is noteworthy for a number of reasons:

- It is my first job in 7 months.

- I am an Arts graduate. <<---- *Twilight Zone music*

- It is full-time.

- It is media-related but not "in the media" (my ideal).

- It is not advertising or marketing or sales.

- It is full of young people (albeit some kinda weird), unlike old work.

- I have to get up at 4.15am, 5 days a week. <<---- Yes, true.

- It is kind of what they call "a foot in the door."

I'm pretty happy, I'm single and working on a new wardrobe... All I need now is a share house with friends and this blog may will turn into copies of "The Secret Life Of Us" scripts.

I promise it wont.


Steph said...

Congratulations sweets! I really wish you the best of luck in your new position. ((big hugs))

Stef said...

Thanks! Really, I'm just happy to have any job, but it turns out this one's a keeper. Good luck with Moronica!

Susanne said...

Ooh, congrats Stef! Fantastic news.