Round Up #1
Post Subject:
Pop Culture,
Round Up
So I think I'll start a weekly round-up of events that capture my imagination. Hell, they capture the imagination of the nation. Yes, yes they do.
Sandi Thom's debut single I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late and to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
When the head of state didn't play guitar, Not everybody drove a car,
When music really mattered and when radio was king,
When accountants didn't have control And the media couldn't buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn't? know everything
When popstars still remained a myth And ignorance could still be bliss
And when God Saved the Queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
When my mom and dad were in their teens and anarchy was still a dream
and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail
When record shops were on top and vinyl was all that they stocked
and the super info highway was still drifting out in space
kids were wearing hand me downs, and playing games meant kick arounds
and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face
I was born too late to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
Oh Sandi, Sandi, Sandi...Sandi
So. Annoying. At high school Sandi overheard a "bad boy" she had a crush on say that "rock was dead", and something disparaging about The Smashing Pumpkins and Westlife. She then went home and dug up her parents old Sex Pistols record. Fast forward 5 years, now a music school graduate, and Sandi writes catchy songs about a "world that doesn't care" in her basement. She uses MY FUCKING SPACE to gain exposure and is signed because, boy, she's got spunk, she's pretty, and she can sing. So they release her song, film her in PROBABLY THE MOST GENERIC FILM CLIP EVER, the classic "walking towards the camera with cool hey-isn't-he-a-model followers". Yeah, you're one of a kind Sandi. Die now.
Hey so Big Brother is on this year, yeah?
Not much is happening on it, right? Honestly, I remember LOVING the first season of that show. Remember? Those were the days; with Sara-Marie, and Blair, and Ben, and Chrissie and Peter's "doona dancing". Sigh. Meeeemmmorrriiiess! Now, just...shit. Gretel is a complete embarrassment, what happened to her class? When she started to dress like an idiot I was OK, I though: Good for her, who says we should always look sober? Then she went out with that escapes me, must have repressed that. And I gave her the benefit of the doubt again.
The house is full of drop-kicks and the host is a witch. And yet I still watch it when I can. Who is the pathetic one? Me, yes.
Number of times I felt like a slut this week:
1. While watching The Glass House, Elka "I'm a 'strong Christian'" Graham says to Corrine Grant (whom I'm not a fan of either, she's about as funny as Martin Lawrence on a good day, but I felt for her here) "is that how quickly you start sleeping over? Two months?" Ahhh...ahem. Shut up Elka! You were never a good swimmer either, so there! I wonder what's worst for the psyche? Being a slut or being a Christian?
Superman Returns
Saw Superman Returns. The fact that this movie's plot and story weren't strong enough to really justify itself for existing, it counts as a failure overall. But there are some nice aspects of Bryan Singers "re-imagining" of Richard Donner's uneven 70's franchise. I thought Brandon Routh was really quite entertaining and charismatic. And my friend and I agreed that he's a cutie, despite enough make-up to make Dolly Parton blush. The plane set-piece was thrilling, and Sam Huntington and Kevin Spacy earned their pay cheques. Kate Bosworth was supremely miscast and, as I said, the plot was way too weak to warrant production. The film has relatively underperformed at the U.S. Box Office and I'm not surprised. The modern pre-existing fan base blockbuster is, I suspect, on its way out. All the best stories have pretty much been told and, aside from sequels, the films on the way are all fairly boring regarding subject matter. While I do like the Superman character - I guess the idea of an angel watching over us is incredibly uplifting - he's never had the best world to operate in. His love-life and alter-ego stories are boring. His villains are generally weak and Metropolis is a pretty "nothing" city. Batman and his world has always been way more interesting. Plus, Superman Returns had a pretty weak marketing campaign. So overall not too successful but you could do worse, especially on cheap arse Tuesday.
Ain't It Cool News turned 10 this week
Congratulations to Harry and Moriarty and the whole gang over at the geek centre of the universe. What an amazing institution that site is. They've grown from a little-read site for movie news and scoops to a full-on influential network of fan power. Go you sexless boys! GO! I've been reading that site since...I guess 2000-2001, and it has (along with other sites) kept me up on everything I need to know, and provided me with some of the funniest things I've ever read. Like the many talkbacks and Harry's revolting reviews. And don't say I didn't warn you.
Don't go changing boys!
Thing to ponder of the week:
Chris and Craig, Hamish and Andy, Merrick and Rosso, Martin Malloy, Adam and Will, or Jay and the Doctor.
I've had no sex dreams about any of these men. But I have a friend who has them frequently about Hamish. I went to a Today Today live recording in Melbourne last year and I SWARE TO GOD CHRIS WAS STARING AT ME IN THE CROWD. I MADE EYE CONTACT! BITCHES! BOW DOWN TO YOUR SUPERIOR!
C u losers la8er. :)
Re: our conversation last night-
Of those boys, I'd do Chris and Hamish.
I can't stand Wil Anderson. Thinks he's so good.
Wil is so annoying, mainly because he's not the slightest bit funny. His "sexual innuendos" are often painful they are so lame. Combine that with Corrine's pathetic delivery and infuriating weak chin and I really stuggle to understand why I watch The Glass House. It's convenient, I guess, and Hughesy has some charm.
Russell - I concur about both Wil and Gretel. People like us should host T.V., not the unfunny, unclever losers we have now.
I think the painted nails are residue from JJJ days - trying to interview Custard and Jebidiah every two weeks I'm sure prompted him to "edge" himself up a little bit.
Ohh i heart Gretski. God love her, the show just would NOT be the same without her.
All she needs is a cool stylist *pick me, pick meeeee*.
Hi Stef!
I think the Glasshouse is past it's use by date. It's become too predictable.
Super heroes are unnecessarily complex these days. It wouldn't have been made if not for the nostalgic demand of Gen-X. I wrote about it on my blog(shamelessly self-promotes).
Steph - Gretel used to be cool, when she was a guest on Good News Week or whatever, but I really feel she is the main problem with Big Brother. But she has great boobies.
Yamez - Hi, nice to meet you. I read your blog and I have to say I like that superheroes are action stars with psyches - it sets them apart from Bruce Willis movies (apart from Unbreakable and Sin City). But I do agree that they are rarely done well.
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